It looks like the Covid variant that’s going around has finally caught up with me (not terribly surprising, as my girlfriend spent the past week isolating with her own case—we live together in a not-massive apartment, though, so there’s only so much we could manage in that regard).
My policy for when I get sick is to step back from work and aggressively rest. This allows me to recover at a reasonable pace, and helps me avoid the work-related angst I otherwise experience: I don’t like missing deadlines and I don’t like feeling I’m letting anyone down, so turning “getting better” into a sort of ambitious project helps me cope with an otherwise anxiety-inducing situation.
This “sick week” resting period should also help me get better before my trip to Seattle the latter-half of next week, during which I’ll be visiting family and helping take care of my baby nephew.
I’ve prepared things in such a way that my publishing schedule should be back to normal and uninterrupted for the duration of that trip—next week’s newsletter will probably be brief, but otherwise things should arrived in your inboxes and podcast feeds as normal.
This week, though, I’ll be reading, resting, and probably bobbling around in a cloudy mind-haze, all while trying to ignore the increasing discomfort in my throat and sinuses (that’s what I’m anticipating based on last year’s Covid infection and my girlfriend’s recent bout with this variant, at least).
Apologies for the lapse in deliverables, and thanks for understanding :)
Best wishes, Colin, and a speedy recovery!
I appreciate the term “aggressively rest” — get to it! 😊
I love this idea of making rest and recovery your project in times of sickness. I usually mope around feeling stressed about missing deadlines or letting people down while trying to hustle harder instead of resting. I'm going to adopt your much better suggestion in future. Thanks for sharing this wisdom! :) And get well soon!